Cube World Mods

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SkyMusketeer 10-29-13 05:39 PM

Some Ideas (omg first post here!)
Here are some ideas Ive developed in my wonderful brain as
I experienced the unfinished, yet amazing game, Cube World.

(Last suggestion is the best ;) )

-Some type of throwable explosive

Maybe a little bomb that you could throw, possibly a smaller explosion radius. And maybe even a sticky one you could craft by combining a normal throwable bomb with some new slime you would be able to obtain from somewhere.

-Attacking while on the glider

This was also suggested by Tewky on the Cube World Forums. (click here to view thread) But I added a more in-depth suggestion to this.

So the suggestion was that you would be able to attack on the glider once you get the skill for it. And that skill would be achievable after the standard hang gliding skill. EXAMPLE--

As demonstrated by the pictures, that is where the 'Airborne Attacking' skill should be. (came up with that name) Of course you should only be allowed to add points to it until you have a minimum of 5 points in the previous hang gliding skill.

-Potions with effects

Well plain and simple I think it would be cool if there were potions you could brew from certain items, you would still use the campfire.

I'm thinking this would be very similar to Minecraft though.

-Zooming while editing

What I mean by this is the in the weapon editor, you should be able to zoom, that would be so splendid.

-Mark your map (waypoints)

This would be even more helpful than zooming in while editing! Marking you map would help with the portal a lot. I'm also suggesting that maybe the colors of the waypoint would be customizable and maybe the shape or icon.

-Some consequence to death

There should be atleast some sort of consequence to death in Cube World. And the infinite inventory, really Wollay?


I read somewhere that Wollay wasn't going to add any support for mods or something like that. People need mods. NEED

-Flying mounts/pets

This would be so fun. But since these mobs are sort of OP since you can basically fly around without bumping into any obstacles or having to climb any mountains, I was thinking they would require more than just a little treat to tame them. Maybe you could battle them as a little boss, and if you beat them then they are 'fainted' and you can capture it somehow. OR maybe they would just require more food than the usual pet.

-More model options

Since I edit models a lot I was thinking maybe Wollay could update the launcher somehow so that you can install those model packs or individual models into the via navigation window, (not sure what's its called)

-Better NPCs

The NPCs suck right now. Maybe some more interactive dialogue. Oh and on the note of dialogue, "There's nothing special"

That character must have more to say about the world, he must be keeping it to himself.

-And one more that I think is the best suggestion anyone has ever had! -
If you jump from a high height and hold the dodge button while in midair and keep it held all the way to impact, you do a 'roll', similar to the dodge roll, when you land and this reduces damage, but of course this will take stamina just like dodging.

Basically like this, except in Cube World -
(Didn't make that animation, found it on Google)

withers101 03-26-14 09:18 AM

Just wanted to say. nothing like most (if not all) these idea are posible as of now. so far people hav eonly made texture mods and not coded mods. just saying. HAVE A GREAT DAY! :banana::banana::banana::banana::banana::banana:

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