Cube World Mods

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Carmine 07-31-13 03:06 AM

Hey, Do spoilers work in here? I tried and it doesn't seem so...
It would usually be [spoiler]likethis[/spoiler] But nope. :/

Will.Eze 07-31-13 04:23 AM

Hi guys I'm Will.Eze, or you can call me Will, I've been modding for Minecraft for 3 years and I just can't wait to be able to work with Cube World though i'm new to this game, i've played for just about a few days in total :P
Though i haven't released any model mods, since there sure are better artists than me, I'm planning to put half of my coding time into Cube World when an API or any way of modding is released

Nice to be with you all :D

PkhBasko 07-31-13 08:12 AM

Hi everyone! I've been playing Cube World since release a few weeks ago and LOVE IT, as I'm sure many of you do as well! I started a YouTube channel beginning with this game and things have kicked off well! I look forward to be able to share some of the mods with the people who watch the videos! Who knows, maybe I'll even work on some myself! Looking forward to the future here!

Cairenn 07-31-13 11:28 AM


Originally Posted by Carmine (Post 34)
Hey, Do spoilers work in here? I tried and it doesn't seem so...
It would usually be [spoiler]likethis[/spoiler] But nope. :/

Hi Carmine! Not at present, but I'll ask dolby what he thinks about possibly adding it. :)

Welcome to the site Will and PkhBasko! Looking forward to seeing what you guys create. :)

Networked 07-31-13 03:35 PM

Hey there, just stumbled upon your post earlier on the CWForums. I don't post much, I usually just lurk and create models. Really nice site by the way guys.

Bl4ckSh33p 07-31-13 03:44 PM

Hi! My name is Alexander aka Bl4ckSh33p and I created WoW Launcher PLUS and Cube World Launcher PLUS.
It's good to have the team (or part of it) from WoWInterface here for Cube World. I added your page to the links section and in the new Newsticker coming with BETA 1, soon. ;)

PS: when you click on a donate button (paypal) it says "Addon hosted on WoWInterface" on the PayPal page. :D - and the close button is missing on the popup.

Dolby 07-31-13 04:36 PM


Originally Posted by Bl4ckSh33p (Post 42)
PS: when you click on a donate button (paypal) it says "Addon hosted on WoWInterface" on the PayPal page. :D - and the close button is missing on the popup.

It should now say CWMods, sorry that was hardcoded in the js and overlooked as well as the close img link. I've gone in and fixed that.

Thanks for the heads up and glad to see you here in the cube world. :)

y2bcrazy 07-31-13 09:54 PM

Hello and stay tuned
Hello everybody, my name is y2bcrazy

I am a highly active community member on CWF and i host daily streams on twitch (
I have made over 50 in game models and plan on keeping this up for a long time.
I make approx 10 models a week and i don't hold back on quality of work, even if it strains my body.
I'm extremely nice, friendly and rational.

I am 20 years of age and am going into my final year of university studies.

If anyone ever has issues building models or needs help making anything, I am always willing to help out.
Don't be afraid of me, i don't bite and be sure to see more of me around here :)

If you want to see almost everything i've made (some images are missing and will be updated) yuo check out the following link:

Cairenn 07-31-13 10:21 PM

Glad to see you on the site Y2B! :)

ModercaiserX 07-31-13 10:45 PM

I Come form china

Cairenn 07-31-13 10:46 PM

Welcome to the site ModercaiserX. :)

bamboechop 08-01-13 12:08 AM

Hello everyone,

I'm bamboechop, coming from Austria and I'm currently 18 years old. I'm the admin from, a german fansite to Cube World. I started trying to model with CWME and had a really good time with it, so I decided to make models more often. :D

At the moment I'm working for one month at an IT company. When I have nothing to do I'm browsing the and look for new mods and models. :D

Guess thats enough for now. :)


Cairenn 08-01-13 12:14 AM

Good to meet you bamboechop!

Carmine 08-02-13 12:22 AM

I'm working on a pet claptrap, Almost done. Can't wait! ^-^

Cairenn 08-02-13 12:31 AM

I look forward to seeing it. :)

Carmine 08-02-13 12:53 AM


Originally Posted by Cairenn (Post 59)
I look forward to seeing it. :)

It's done, I think one of the hardest parts was getting the body to work right, If you look at the model in CWME, It looks like it is floating.

NuclearSharkhead 08-03-13 12:05 PM

Hey everyone I'm NuclearSharkhead but you can call me Sharkhead, I like creating and displaying CW mods on my YouTube channel and my 12 year old cousin has been teaching me how to play Minecraft : D I usually play action oriented games but I think one of my best traits is that I'm willing to try new things, which is why I'm here. Hope to get to meet you all - I will be here often.

Cairenn 08-03-13 12:11 PM

Welcome to the site Sharkhead!

NuclearSharkhead 08-10-13 12:45 PM


Originally Posted by Cairenn (Post 64)
Welcome to the site Sharkhead!

Thanks Cairenn :3

Feman 08-14-13 10:42 AM

Hi I just joined and found out about this from a sticky on Cube World Forum. I'm already working on a custom race and would love to share it for feedback because I don't want it to suck.

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